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Friend Ships

Friend Ships is a game that was initially developed for Sprint Week – A week in our Game Design program dedicated to combining and randomizing students of all years in the program into groups and giving them a design challenge to complete within 4 days. For Sprint Week 2017, we were given the challenge by Holland Bloorview Hospital to create a game for their ‘Screenplay’ System. Screenplay is a system that uses weight sensitive mats placed in a grid so that the kids could run around on the mats. Depending on where they run and stand on the mats, it would change what would happen in the game that is on screen. For this challenge, we were able to create Friend Ships which is a game where players can run around to leave a trail of ducks on the screen while pushing ships away or stand on a single mat to create a whirlpool to pull in the colourful ships.



2D & 3D Artist, Game Designer



Project Type:

Consumer Project

Released On:

Holland Bloorview Hospital Screenplay


First Place Runner Up & Best in Discovery